Category: Blog

  • Why Visit the Serengeti National Park: A Wildlife Safari Like No Other

    Why Visit the Serengeti National Park: A Wildlife Safari Like No Other

    There’s something about being in the presence of wild animals that is both humbling and awe-inspiring. It’s a feeling that can only be experienced in the wild, and there are few places in the world where you can experience it quite like the Serengeti National Park. Here, in the heart of Tanzania, you’ll find a […]

  • Covid-19 update for Visiting Tanzania and where to get PCR tests for Safaris & Mount Kilimanjaro Treks

    Covid-19 update for Visiting Tanzania and where to get PCR tests for Safaris & Mount Kilimanjaro Treks

    Covid-19 update for Visiting Tanzania 5 Star rated safari company in Moshi, Tanzania on TripAdvisor READ OUR REVIEWS Covid-19 update for Visiting Tanzania and where to get PCR tests for Safaris & Mount Kilimanjaro Treks It is now obvious how the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted travel all over the world and  Tanzania is no exception. […]

  • Experience Tanzania Family Safaris

    Experience Tanzania Family Safaris

    Visiting Tanzania as a family and going on safari with children is something that we have plenty of experience of, having done so much of it ourselves. For children, Africa is intoxicating and profoundly liberating. As parents, adventures aside, one of the immeasurably valuable things you’ll find here is time. Days on safari are filled […]

  • Expert Guide on successful climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

    From most Mount Kilimanjaro climbers, the main goal is to reach the summit of Africa’s rooftop. Conquering this gigantic mountain is one thing but getting to the peak of Kilimanjaro is another. Few words can describe the thrilling experience one feels while standing atop Africa’s highest point, the 5,895m Uhuru Peak of Mount Kilimanjaro and […]


    We’ve been planning wildlife safari holidays in Africa for over a decade now, and before that, we were working in the far-flung reaches of Tanzania.  It goes without saying that we’re a teeny bit enthusiastic about what Africa has to offer as a holiday destination, either for walking safaris, a family escape, or a luxury […]

  • Choosing the best Mount Kilimanjaro climbing Route

    Although there are a variety of routes offering unique scenery and terrain to Kilimanjaro’s peak, we offer two distinct routes that provide our clients with the best possible chance to safely reach the summit.  Fortunately, our two featured routes, Machame and Lemosho, happen to have the most diverse and beautiful landscapes all while achieving over 95% success on […]

  • What Are The Toilet Facilities On Kilimanjaro?

    The call of nature is an unavoidable truth. We all need to go to the loo some of us, a few times each day or night. However, it's one of those subjects that we're a bit excessively modest, hesitant or queasy to speak transparently about. Doing as such while outdoors on a 6 or 7 […]

  • Who Can Climb Mount Kilimanjaro & What Is Success Percentage?

    Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest mountain and is one of the world's most iconic pinnacles. Being the world's most astounding freestanding mountain, it draws in around 30,000 hikers every year. Aside from being Africa's tallest mountain, the amazing peak has three volcanic cones – one of which is as yet dynamic, despite the fact that […]

  • 5 Best Things To Know Before You Go On Tanzania Safari Tour

    Thinking of going on a Tanzania safari? After all, a wildlife safari is an encounter like no other. Just you and raw, untamed Mother Nature taking at its best. Tanzania is a gigantic mainland with numerous extraordinary parks to visit with everyone offering an exceptional arrangement of wildlife, nature, and culture. All these parks offer […]

  • “Tanzania” One Country With Unrivaled Credentials

    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).