Tanzania family safari

Experience Tanzania Family Safaris

Visiting Tanzania as a family and going on safari with children is something that we have plenty of experience of, having done so much of it ourselves. For children, Africa is intoxicating and profoundly liberating. As parents, adventures aside, one of the immeasurably valuable things you’ll find here is time. Days on safari are filled with such a rich tapestry of events – large and small – that they seem somehow longer. Long enough to be able to have a full morning’s game viewing, a substantial lunch and still steal a good couple of hours after lunch to sleep, before heading out again in the afternoon.

There are few deadlines that you or the children have to meet. No “hurry up, we’ll be late” no “what do you mean you can’t find your other shoe?” Nobody’s even slightly bothered if you choose to wear no shoes and life just works to a different rhythm, dictated by the rising and setting of the sun.

And everything is large-scale, absolutely-nothing-to-do-with-PlayStation fun; food cooked over an open fire in a safari kitchen, cooks and camp staff who’ll take time off to thrash the children at football, shooting stars, glow worms, bucket showers and lots and lots of dirty great animals. At Materuni Tours our familiarity doesn’t make us blazé about the seriousness of taking children to the African continent; it’s all about the adventure, but none of it’s any fun if the planning and the backup arent 100%. We fully understand that there are a number of components that are essential to making your family holiday a success and that without the right mix, things can be a lot less enjoyable. And to give you an idea of the variety of things you could be doing, have a look at some of the experiences that are perfect for families.

We’d love to talk to you about how to go about planning your family safari in Tanzania with Materuni Tours. There are plenty of places you wouldn’t want to take your children and there are one or two that, if you take them, they’ll never forget.


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