Who We Are?  

We are an ethical, licensed tour operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Our director is comprised of an environmental consultant, agricultural and a community development specialist. We have a shared vision of making a positive difference and our business practices reflect that. Our goal is to be one of the first profit-sharing, community-focused companies built on responsible tourism. All of this is possible because of our people…

We support Environmental and Conversation initiatives – for example even the small things matter like we encourage reusable metal bottles to our clients and Materuni Tours team.  We believe with this force this will eventually spread all over our society.


Education In Sport

Special project design to support education, environment to be more friendly through sports to village children’s. In Education in sports project, children will be encouraged to their studies by bringing all the sports to schools, provide sports equipment’s, training to the games and cancelling to raise self-awareness and First Aid training for the children to undertake small procedure of self-saving and the others when facing an accident.

Education in sport prioritizes sports in villages school believing that this will reduce the number of children’s who are drop out of school and will increase children IQ.


  • Provide sports equipment’s to the village's schools
  • Improve playgrounds in school’s / sports environment for the children to be more comfortable.
  • Provide training to the children’s concern sports, raise self-awareness and educate them about First Aid
  • The building of a strong bond between schools, by forming teams in each school


  • Set a meeting with Materuni colleagues to discuss the project.
  • Meeting with the authority to get permission for conducting the project
  • Data collection from different Materuni village schools/ feasibility study to know the number of students in sport and the number of schools to be included in the project.
  • Set of percentage to be charged through direct price from tourism activities.
  • Direct communication to close friends to donate.
  • Finding of donner for future support/ sponsors.
  • Formation of email and send to all Materuni current and previous clients
  • Invite a health specialist and sports trainer for the first meeting so we can discuss how to undertake the whole project
  • Settling of time for everyone who attends the first meeting contribution in the project
  • Set of dates for each school team to play / competition between schools
  • set meeting with children’s parents to inform them about the project, ask for their support including allowing their children to participate in a sport when conducted outside the region







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