“2015” Most Incredible Moments Happens On Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro– The highest peak of Africa, is one of the most noteworthy pinnacles in the world which draws thousands of trekkers each year. Thousands of travellers Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro annually with some incredible moments that are created along the summit to the world’s tallest free-standing mountain. These moments create not only a lifetime memory but also inspires and motivates many individuals to come out of their comfort zone and conquer their fear and weakness.

Each year there are many incredible moments on Kilimanjaro, but, 2015 is one of the historical years Of Mount Kilimanjaro as it has some of the most incredible moments and feats which were achieved by individuals.

Let’s explore 2015’s most incredible moments happened on Kilimanjaro.

► Oldest Person To Summit Kilimanjaro

Oldest Person To Summit Kilimanjaro

Angela Vorobeva, a Russian octogenarian, on October 29th, 2015 became the oldest person to summit Kilimanjaro. She reached the pinnacle of Kilimanjaro at 86 years, 276 days. Notably, Vorobeva approached one of the most popular Kilimanjaro Routes – the Machame route to accomplish the feat.

► Fastest Woman Up Kilimanjaro

Fastest Woman Up Kilimanjaro

Anne-Marie Flammersfeld, a 37-year-old German currently living in St. Moritz, Switzerland, set a new record for the fastest ascent and descent by a woman on Kilimanjaro on 27th July 2015.

She climbed to the summit via the Umbwe Route in a record time of 8hr 32min and then turned around and descended to Mweka gate for a total time on the mountain of 12hr 58min.

► The World’s Highest Rugby Match At Kilimanjaro

A group of 38 climbers set another world record by playing rugby at an altitude of 5,791m (19,000 ft) on Mount Kilimanjaro on 25 October 2015.

The World's Highest Rugby Match At Kilimanjaro

The group, who were Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for charity, played a full rugby match, yet additionally effectively summited the mountain in 6 days.

The group of 38 climbers included numerous rugby legends, for example, Adrian Morley, Barrie McDermott, Lee Briers, Neil Harmon, Chico Jackson, Mike Wainwright, and Alan Hunte.

► Heroes Project – The Walking Wounded

Heroes Project - The Walking Wounded

Julian Torres, an ex-marine Sergeant in the US armed force who lost two of his legs when an explosive device exploded underneath him in Afghanistan, achieved the summit, which again shows us that nothing is impossible if you are determined. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for the Heroes Project, Julian summitted Kilimanjaro on Veterans Day – 11 November 2015. Julian’s amazing endeavours will ideally motivate other physically disabled people to climb.

► Walking Backwards To Kili Summit In Record Time

Walking Backwards To Kili Summit In Record Time

Yes, you heard that right, Nepali mountaineer, Sanjay Pandit, accomplished this unique record by walking the whole far up to the summit of Kilimanjaro…backwards! This, yet Sanjay finished the accomplishment in a record time of 24 hours and 40 minutes!  Sanjay achieved this feat on 21 December 2015.

So, if the above moment has inspired you to summit Kilimanjaro, then visit us @ materunitours.com to know more about Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Book with us today for an incredible Kilimanjaro experience.


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